Start Your Day Right: Our Creative Leftover Pizza Recipes

Everyone’s been there: the morning after the night before, and all that’s left to eat is cold pizza. Now, we’re not knocking anyone’s preferences (cold pizza definitely has its fans), but sometimes what you’re looking for is some leftover pizza recipes to transform yesterday’s dinner into something resembling a healthy breakfast.

As the experts, we’ve got plenty of ways for you to hack your morning fare. Let’s dig in.

Quick & Easy: The Idiot’s Guide to Breakfast

Chances are, if you’re having leftover pizza for breakfast, you also have a hangover. Maybe you just didn’t get enough sleep. Either way, you need some easy meals you can whip up without engaging your brain.

Pizza scrambled eggs is the king here, obviously. Chop your pie into small pieces and add it to your eggs just like any other toppings. 10/10, job done. If you’re feeling ambitious, why not make it a pizza omelet?

If you really don’t trust yourself around a hot frying pan, it’s your waffle iron’s time to shine. Instead of relying on the microwave, cut your slices to size and transform them into savory waffles. Another slam dunk – bonus points if you can drizzle your pizza waffle with marinara instead of regular ketchup.

Quick & Easy The Idiot’s Guide to Breakfast

Leveling Up: Plates to Impress

Want to add a little extra flair to your morning roundup? It’s time to take things up a notch. 

If you have skewers and some kind of dipping sauce around, pizza kebabs will make you look incredibly gourmet. Cut it up small and add whatever random veggies or sausage you have lying around in between. Grill your way to breakfast kebab perfection! 

A breakfast pizza casserole can even be assembled the night before if you have the energy or feel particularly Midwestern. There are a thousand recipes online, but the basic version is layering your leftover slices with veggies, sausage, spinach, or whatever floats your boat. Mix up some milk, eggs, cheese, and spices, and pour it over. Let it cook and serve it up like MasterChef.

pizza kebabs

Savor Every Slice, Any Time of Day

The truth is, a leftover pie can become anything you want it to. There are leftover pizza recipes for everything from lasagne to fries. There’s no limit to how many times you can enjoy the same pie without getting bored. Start your next culinary adventure with an online order of our piping hot pies – although they’re so good, we can’t guarantee you’ll have anything left over!

Savor Every Slice, Any Time of Day